Magazine: Skin Diver magazine September 1969 California Gold  

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Lot #8497

Skin Diver magazine

September 1969

A Magazine Devoted to the Underwater World

74 pages

  • There Is Gold On The Winfield Scott
  • North To Huronia
  • Islas Los Coronados
  • Grand Cayman
  • Think Deep
  • Cave Diving
  • Another Idea
  • Underwater Strobe Housing
  • Diving for Dinosaurs
  • San Diego's 5th Underwater Film Festival
  • Start a Marine Aquarium
  • Plus Diving Techniques, New Products, Technifacts, etc.
Condition: This issue is in good condition. There is some wear on the cover (see scan), but overall the issue is fresh and clean. However, one page towards the back has had the right half of the page vertically clipped off. Otherwise, all other pages are intact with minor yellowing.

Lot #8497